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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tucson Classes

With snowflakes starting to fly here in Toronto, many are starting to head to warming climates. One of those hot stops is Tucson, Arizona. Another great reason to head there is the amazing bead and gems shows that take over Tucson from late January to early February each year.

Maria has been a few times teaching and bringing back new and fun beads to work into her designs. This past winter she did not go, but at an event at a wholesale supplier, John Bead, Maria won a trip to Tucson for 2013.

She will once again be teaching and finding some amazing beads to work into designs for 2013.

With sponsorship from Swarovski Elements Maria will be teaching her Tennis Bracelet design at the Best Bead Show.  It is shown here with demin bicones but will be offered with the new for 2013  Lt. Turquoise colour.

She is also going to teaching her Beaded Soutache design in bracelet and/or necklace length.
Photo of Class Beaded Soutache Necklace & Bracelet 

As Maria's sample maker I get to make these amazing projects to be photographed and displayed. The Tennis Bracelet is simple but elegant. The Beaded Soutache  is an creative combination of beads that become a textured beadwoven band for a bracelet or necklace.

I am also looking forward to seeing what new beads Maria will bring back to the chilly north for some new designs for 2013.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Bonus days at Ukrainian Museum and Library courtesy of Hurricane Sandy

The Museum was celebrating it's 75th Anniversary inside as Hurricane Sandy created a foreboding atmosphere outside

The calm before the storm... Ukrainian Museum on Sunday, Oct. 28, 2012, 3:30 pm

These leaves are from a tree near the chateau, but ended up at the far end of the property after Sandy's fury

Marian and Maria dressed for the 75th Anniversary celebration.

Luckily, the College and Seminary, Museum and Library were spared the worst. Stamford was other side of Manhattan from New Jersey. 

However, Hurricane Sandy did leave it's mark on the property. It also gave me extra days as my flight was delayed three times. BONUS!! I devoted this time to researching the vast collection on books on my favorite subjects. Monday was spent in the Library.

The Library is located in the former college which my uncle, Lubomyr Cardinal Husar, attended in the 1950's. This is Monday and it's stormy outside. The wind was blowing hard. A fine rain was being whipped around all day. 
Monsignor John Terlecky, the Director and Librarian, catalogued a few more books while there was still power.

A full collection of magazines about Kyivan Rus. Brilliant artwork on the spines.
A magazine issue from the series
 On Tuesday, the Library lost power along with the rest of the neighborhood homes and buildings. I was able to take the books to my "Gerdany" teaching room and continue my research.

Bishop Paul and Maria survey the damage after the Hurricane winds died down on Tues morning 

Library Assistant Anna poses for a photo of the toppled tree
Branches litter the grounds near the pavillion
Freshly split off branches litter the grounds
Other view of the Museum. More tree branches of every description
Monday we had a "Gerdany-making" evening with a free "Hurricane Special" kit for interested participants. I highly recommend such diversions if you're lucky enough to be in a safe building. The winds were whipping around, but our minds were on the beadwork.

Natalia beaded this Textured Net in three hours at our Hurricane Sandy beading night.
Taras, Natalia in her new Pearl Twig Willow and Marian with her Byzantine Cross
I even renamed my INDO Netted X's and O's "Sandy" as I beaded it Monday, Tuesday while on the phone for 1.5 hours trying to change flights, and at JFK on Thursday evening.

"Sandy" Netted X's and O's" with Indonesian lampwork beads

Monday, November 12, 2012

Gerdany Seminar 2012 - Stamford, CT

The weekend at St. Basil College started with a presentation of "Beyond Stringing" as an introduction to different types of beading. We got right into beadweaving on Friday evening with Picots and Ladders and a special Byzantine Cross pendant. 
Easels showing the six different styles taught at the seminar

Pick and choose three colors for playing with picots. Gorgeous results!!

Picot Necklace and Byzantine Cross start off the Seminar

Bishop Paul checks out the Byzantine Cross kit at the start of the seminar

Picot necklaces and braclets by Sue, Helen and Marion - Fri night

Sue and Betty are overjoyed with their beading experience on Friday

Helen F has instant gratification by wearing her new Picot Necklace 

Marion, Helen and Sue's Picot necklaces and bracelets

Marian K not only organized the Seminar, but was a participant
Sr. Nataliya completes the 'X' which cleverly connects the ladders

BRX1 - Bracelet with an 'X' beadwoven by Sr. Nataliya 

Maria P models her Ladder Bracelet with and 'X'

Saturday started with "Contemporary Beadwork in Ukraine". The Netting Day included Textured Net, Netted 'X's and a Chicklet Bracelet for fun. A trip to the Ukrainian Museum was a perfect afternoon activity. Bead BINGO wound up the evening.

Maria explains the methodology of the Textured Net

Variations on a theme - Netted Bugles & Scythian Gold kits

Lots of kit choices for each technique

Sue and Helen help each other figure out the net

Marion H beads the Scythian Gold Net

Phyllis holds up her Simply Luxurious Net

Seminar participants take a break from beading. We're on our way to see the Ukrainian Museum. It was a gorgeous fall day before Hurricane Sandy.

Spot the beaded adornments: 'gerdany', headdresses, 'zgardy', 'laskunky', 'korali', Venetian beads 

Saturday Night Live: Bead BINGO

Marion & Stefania, lucky Bead BINGO winners

Maria of OH visits cousin Christine of CT for a weekend of 'gerdany-making'

The Byzantine Crosses were blessed at the end of Liturgy on Sunday. After brunch, we learned the Diagonal Weave, a handy stitch for Suspended Swags. Show and Tell brought out a lot of interesting 'gerdany'. There was a great interest in loomwork, a good possibility for next year's seminar. 

Stefania Szkafarowsky upcycles black and gold beads for Suspended Swag. First step was to bead a Diagonal Weave band for the swags to be draped from.
Stefania does Show and Tell of her 'gerdany' collection on Sunday

Maria Polnyj brought her gerdany in various stages for Show and Tell 
Two-needle netting in progress by Maria Polnyj, 2012
Netted zigzag in progress by Maria Polnyj, 2012
Maria Polnyj's netted 'gerdan', 2012
Christine models her beaded veil with cousin Maria's approval
Christine shows her own beaded headpiece from the 90's
PHOTOS: Sr. Natalia, The Sower, and Maria Rypan