Maria wearing Nina McDaniel's 'gerdan' with an ostrich egg shell pendant. Photo: Ian Archer |
Beaded 'pysanky' display and Maria and Eugene's 'pysanky'. Photo: Ian Archer |
Maria's article in A Needle Pulling Thread, Spring 2011 |
Beaded 'pysanky' by artists from Ukraine |
Ukrainian School students writing 'pysanky' at a Chromej Family workshop |
Maria and Joyce try out electric 'kistky' styluses |
Removing wax to reveal an electric 'pysanka' |
Children's Choir from St. Mary's Dormition UCC. Photo: Ian Archer |
St. Sophia School visit Pysanky Exhibit at KUMF Gallery |
Grade 1 students journaling beaded 'pysanky' |
Helen Basaraba's 'pysanky' inspire Grade 1 students |
Best journal compliment by Grade 1 student |